Applications for Stainless Steel Mixing Tanks

Posted on October 7, 2020 by xtxwebmaster

We’ve talked before on this blog about all that stainless steel mixing tanks have to offer the brewery and food processing industries. However, since stainless steel’s advent over a hundred years ago, its applications have gone far beyond those two fields, and for good reason. In the interest of utilizing our resources to their full potential, we have compiled some other key applications for stainless steel mixing tanks.


Cross-contamination is a real danger in the cosmetics industry, as is the development of microbial contaminants. These bacteria can be dangerous to consumers, causing allergic reactions and skin irritation when they use the products. That’s why good manufacturing practices are so crucial to production, and part of that involves making sure that tanks are cleaned and satisfied. Stainless steel storage tanks are easy to clean and resist corrosion that can contaminate products.


Pharmaceuticals are another industry that must be on guard against contamination in their products. Along with the potential of an allergic reaction, cross-contamination can, at best, render a medication ineffective, and at worst, alter the product’s intended dosage or cause infection. This makes the necessity to thoroughly clean tanks even more essential.

This isn’t the only benefit stainless steel has to offer the pharmaceutical industry. Because of the types of chemicals used in pharmaceuticals, there is a high need for nonreactive surfaces when it comes to processing materials. This makes stainless steel an effective choice both for mixing tanks and other operations within production.


Of the applications for stainless steel mixing tanks we have listed, the chemical industry uses some of the harshest and most corrosive materials and processes of all, whether a plant creates laundry detergent or ethanoic acid. The fact that stainless steel is non-reactive and resistant to corrosion is key for the integrity of the product and the processing operation in general. Tanks made of other, more easily corroded materials would need to be replaced more frequently, costing the operation money and productivity.