The Right Equipment for Your CBD Extraction Model

Posted on March 1, 2022 by Cedarstone Industry Team

Legalization efforts and a tremendous amount of public education have created a booming CBD market that does not look like it’s destined to slow down at any point in the near future. As a result, competition is fierce. If you want to make it in this industry, you need to have the right CBD extraction equipment regardless of the model your business is built on.


If you have been in the business a while, we expect you already know what type of equipment you need. But if you’re just getting started, we encourage you to do some research. There are numerous ways to extract CBD as well as all the other cannabinoids and terpenes found in cannabis plants.


You should also give thought to what you want to produce. Are you looking at full-spectrum CBD oil? Or perhaps you are more interested in a broad-spectrum product. Maybe you’re considering both, along with CBD isolate. This is where your business model becomes important. CBD extraction equipment may differ depending on the products you want to produce.


Full-Spectrum CBD Oil


Full-spectrum CBD oil contains all the natural byproducts of CBD extraction. You get everything in one fell swoop: all the cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, etc. You also get a number of different organic compounds that some people say makes CBD oil more effective.


Extraction methods for full-spectrum oil can vary. But as you might expect, this type of extraction requires the least amount of scientific detail. You are simply extracting all the oil you can from biomass. You do not need to distill or winterize it.


Broad-Spectrum CBD Oil


Here in the United States, we are forced to draw a distinction between cannabis plants due to legal requirements. A cannabis plant with more than 0.3% THC by volume is considered marijuana. Anything at 0.3% or less is considered hemp. Why does this make a difference from extraction standpoint? Because CBD products with THC levels in excess of 0.3% are technically not legal under federal law.


As you know, certain states have made allowances for THC. Yet not all consumers want THC in their CBD oil. That is where broad-spectrum oil comes in. Broad-spectrum CBD oil undergoes additional processing after extraction to remove most of the THC. It still contains other cannabinoids and terpenes, but the CBD content has purposely been reduced.


Obviously, using industrial hemp as the basis for CBD extraction makes producing a broad-spectrum oil fairly easy by comparison. Nonetheless, some processors prefer more potent plants despite the extra work required to remove THC.


CBD Isolate


Finally, the most involved process is making a CBD isolate. Its name suggests why that is. A CBD isolate contains just the CBD cannabinoid along with some terpenes. Most of the other compounds have been removed. For customers who want nothing but the CBD itself, the isolate is the most pure product.


You might be interested to know that processors can isolate just about any cannabinoid found in a cannabis plant. For example, there are THC isolates as well. The challenge with producing isolates is removing all the other compounds without harming the potency of the particular cannabinoid you are after.


Needless to say, all three extraction models can be fairly involved. They require high quality CBD extraction equipment manufactured by a company that knows what it takes to do the job right. We are such a company.


If you are new to the industry and looking for cutting-edge CBD extraction equipment, contact us. We can design and build exactly what you need regardless of your particular business model.